Saturday, December 13, 2014

Post - 2015 Development Framework: Politics of the UN system a threat to the process

By Nick Waigwa

As preparations for the unveiling of post-2015 development framework in December 2015 continue to gain momentum, Action/2015 Africa has cited politics of the UN System and indecisiveness as among the major threats to this important opportunity.

The post-2015 development framework to be unveiled on 28th September 2015 by UN member States will replace the current Millennium Development Goals and is set to determine how resources and priorities are shaped over the coming 15 years.

A report by Action/2015 Africa say that the opportunity could also be wasted through the disconnected nature of member states and lack of people’s participation in the process.

“We, the people of Africa, cannot sit back and watch. We must organize and mobilize ourselves, our constituents, and the public at large to insist that our leaders ‘ACT NOW’ to ensure that no one is left behind by the Post-2015 development framework.” Says the report

Pointing out that the social, economic, political, and ecological transformation of the continent cannot be postponed any longer, the report warns that the human species has up to the year 2100 to reduce all greenhouse gas emissions to zero to stand a chance of sustaining life on earth.

It calls for an ambitious structural social and economic transformation that will deliver environmental sustainability, equity, justice, and participation for all people everywhere in order to end the cycle of poverty and increasing inequality.

The report, an outcome of a meeting which brought together representatives from civil society organizations on 18th and 19th November in Johannesburg notes that the Africa continent is faced with challenges relating to; agreement and enforcements, production, consumption and trade. The continent is also faced with challenges relating to equity, inequality and distribution, people centered, ecological sustainable and environmentally focused development.

Action 2015 Africa is a movement of African NGOs, Community Based Organizations, Faith Based Organizations, citizen movements, and grassroots organizations acting collaboratively to send a message of urgency to leaders in Africa constantly reminding them that time is running out for the continent.

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