TWS_Wahome Ngari
When was the last time you prepared a budget? Do you budget for
your personal expenses, be it at home, place of work? If you were to be asked
today to give an account of how you spent your money last year, month, week or
even yesterday would you be in a position to do it.
Are you in a position to tell the next person you are meeting
today or your family what your budget estimates for the next three, six or 12
months is going to look like? As Wahome Ngari – a seasoned motivational speaker,
who is well polished on the money matters subject reminds us in this article,
failure to budget has a very high potential for inflicting severe pain.

At a personal level, there are those who hope they will budget when their income goes up, but experience has shown that when income raises, expenses creep in from everywhere to take care of the increased income and the financial status fail to improve, causing life to get tougher financially even as years roll by and one day the big retirement landmark shows up.

By failing to budget, a person opens themselves to several pains during their financial journey of life. Some of the challenges include;
- Interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts which arise out of the failure to honour commitments. Would avoiding these conflicts be part of the reason people tell unnecessary lies? These conflicts generate financial stress which can be expressed through frequent unexplained headaches, lack of sleep as a result of money worries, poor health which may results into ulcers, migraines, high blood pressure and money other health issues.
- Low quality of life which results from low productivity and lack of concentration because financial pressures causes a person to have a scatter brain which tends to see money elsewhere other than where the person is. This can lead to pursuit of greener pastures elsewhere which tends to turn into a mirage.
- Consistent money pains may result into low self-esteem, lack of self-care, low quality of family life characterised by emotional outbursts which can eventually result into suicide.
- It is not abnormal for a person to end up with a heavy load of debt even as they hang of the financial cliff.

you need more help on how to grow your financial literacy, ask us about the Wealth Creation Masterclass where such
concepts are taught.
Wahome Ngari –
Principal Consultant/ CEO, Citadel Consulting Ltd or write to the witnessstar via
Financial Implications of New Year resolutions
Financial Implications of New Year resolutions
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