Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Transformed Me announces 1st 2016 Program

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TransformedMe - an initiative of CATRA Educational Services & Consultants working with Nickpoint Media will on 11th & 12th March 2016 hold an experiential learning and fun filled encounter for the 2015 Form Four leavers.
Why 2015 F4 Leavers

Catherine Kisasa Muthonde of the CATRA Educational Services and Consultants says Transformed Me is launching her 2016 programs with an encounter activity with F4 leavers because the group (2015 F4 leavers) is currently going through a very delicate transitional period in their life and career journey.

According to Kisasa Muthonde (who is a counselling psychologist and a teacher with over 25 years of teaching experience) most young people find it very challenging to make informed landmark decisions that would positively influence their life in future.

“They expect those who have the experience to give them support, this is the time some will be deciding what courses to take in college. Choices have consequences and whatever choices they are to make will highly influence their future. College life also comes with its challenges; they need of our help to overcome these challenges. That is why Transformed Me is offering this scaffolding support”

What will be covered?

Participants will during the two-day workshop which will take place at the Langata botanical gardens, cover among other topics; coping with exam results (Failure/Success), Coping with Change (College Life); Self Awareness Careers, Decision Making as well as additional input on money matters.

In 2015 Transformed Me held similar activities in Nairobi and other parts of the country. In Narok County, Transformed Me had a successful encounter with young people from various parts of Lolgorian during workshop hosted by the Priest in charge ofthe Lolgorian Catholic Parish, Fr. Tom Chepkwony.

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