Tuesday, October 13, 2015

We Promised and Kept Our Promise!!!!!!!!!

The F.R.E.E Wealth Creation Master Class SEASON9 Come and S.E.E Session on Saturday 10th October 2015, was AMAZING!!!!

They came to see and they saw it all….

Here is what they had to say!

“Very informative and interesting perspectives  of financial matters e.g the foray of borrowing your own money and paying interest to others in a SACCO. I got to know more investment options.” Isaac Kweyu
 “A good session, very informative and interactive” Mercy Kweyu

“Am grateful for the invitation to such a good mind opener” Francis Njine Kabugi

“Very impressed with the lesson” Esther Otieno

Agnes Njiine said, “Very informative and well researched discussion with real life examples which made it very lively. The learning is generation averse and has made me to encourage many young people to join the masterclass.”

Aaaand by the W.A.Y

......With less than three months to 2016, the Wealth Creation Masterclass is granting you an opportunity to end the year in style and secure yourself a good advantage as you prepare to welcome a NEW YEAR!

Call +254708150137 to book a SEAT in one of our free Come & See Wealth Creation Masterclass sessions.

Next Sessions!
Wednesday 14th October at 1800hrs and Saturday 17th at 1000 hours. There are few free seats remaining. Call +254708150137 as SOON as you can, seats are available on first come first get basis.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Our Social Media sites are growing B.I.G!
You may want to use them to ask us a question on money matters, how to improve your financial score card or how to enroll for the Wealth Creation Masterclass. This is just a reminder of the links to each of them: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram (Coming Soon), Linkedin (Coming Soon). 
If you not already liking or following us; DO it now to continue improving your performance on money matters and wealth creation skills

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